The University of Michigan Skilled Trades Union, Inc. was organized in 1967 as the Washtenaw County Local Building and Construction Trade Council.
The Washtenaw County Local Building and Construction Trade Council, with 185 members working in 15 building trades, was affiliated with the AFL-CIO and the National Building and Construction Trade Council.
After initial certification, in November 1967, the name was changed to the Washtenaw County Local Building Trades Board of Directors (WCBTB) to represent and service University of Michigan Tradesmen.
The University Division of the WCBTB was created in 1986 and, in accordance with the By-laws, held their own meetings and elected their own officers, including a Chief Steward and bargaining members.
The University Division further affirmed their autonomy in 1990 by establishing the Chief Steward as a full time officer, creating their own By-laws, and managing their own division matters and finances.
The University of Michigan Skilled Trades Board of Directors was formed in July 2000 and assumed the role and the University Division of the WCBTB, which voted to abolish itself.
Today we are known as The University of Michigan Skilled Trades Union, Inc. Our affiliation with the AFL-CIO remains strong as we represent 30 Trade classifications with membership approaching 500 "Skilled Trades" men and women.